Oh hi there, I’m so pleased to see you here. If you came to this page after listening to my chat with Tenille on the Perimenopausal Athletes and Beyond Summit then I’m so grateful to welcome you, why not take a look around and get ready to take action with me!

Here are some great options for you as a summit participant, please choose one:

1) Free mindset coaching call - 30-45 mins - get clear on your path and how to work through roadblocks you might have to get on track to what you most want.

You can book a call with me on the following link -

2) 1 month FREE on the Connected Collective, my monthly strength + conditioning membership group for women in the postnatal to perimenopause phase who want to strengthen and move in a nourishing and safe way for their bodies.

Grab your special membership link here:

3) 1 FREE 1-1 Session Add on to the Connect Your Core PLUS course

With this option, you can add 1 x 1-1 session to the CYC PLUS 2 option which means you’ll have 3 sessions through your Connect Your Core journey and receive all that accountability, connection and personalised understanding to turn a great experience into a transformative one.

Here’s the link to purchase the PLUS 2 option and we’ll go from there:

See you online very soon!

Kathryn x